function PracDOE % Coded by NFR on 10.23.17 % This code how MATLAB can be used for DOE problems % % Factors % - Distance from radiator % - Pitch angle % - Blade tip clearance % CodedValue = bbdesign(3); m = 10; %Randomize run order and set up real world limits runorder = randperm(15); bounds = [1 1.5; 15 35; 1 2]; RealValue = zeros(size(CodedValue)); for i = 1:3 zmax = max(CodedValue(:,i)); zmin = min(CodedValue(:,i)); RealValue(:,i) = interp1([zmin zmax],bounds(i,:),CodedValue(:,i)); end TestResult = [837 864 829 856 880 879 872 874 834 833 860 859 874 876 875]'; disp({'Run Number','Distance','Pitch','Clearance','Airflow'}) disp(sortrows([runorder' RealValue TestResult])) % SKIP the table saving bit % How to optimize? Fit quadratic model mdl = fitlm(RealValue,TestResult,'quadratic') % Don't suppress and you get model parameters % Look at p values to determine dominant terms % plotSlice(mdl) % use for interactive response surface plot... % You could use this to try and find the max, but let's use our existing % tools...we first need to define our fit model as an anonymous function. % You could code out each of the model parameter fit estimates % P = mdl.Coefficients.Estimate; %f = @(x) -x2fx(x,'quadratic')*P % This will be confusing to all! f = @(x) -(P(1) + P(2)*x(1)+P(3)*x(2)+P(4)*x(3)+P(5)*x(1)*x(2) + P(6)*x(1)*x(3) + P(7)*x(2)*x(3) + P(8)*x(1)^2 + P(9)*x(2)^2 + P(10)*x(3)^2); xo = [1.25 27 1.5]; lb = bounds(:,1); ub = bounds(:,2); [xout, feval] = fmincon(f,xo,[],[],[],[],lb,ub) % Perfect! However the 'optimal' point exists at the this % good? No...would need to redo experiments and recenter the bounds % % You can use monte carlo to look at product spec tolerance % % Use the rsmdemo for second example % Hydrogen 100 to 470 % nPentane 80 to 300 % isoPentane 10 to 120 CodedValue = ccdesign(3,'type','inscribed'); runorder = randperm(length(CodedValue)); bounds = [100 470; 80 300; 10 120]; RealValue = zeros(size(CodedValue)); for i = 1:3 zmax = max(CodedValue(:,i)); zmin = min(CodedValue(:,i)); RealValue(:,i) = interp1([zmin zmax],bounds(i,:),CodedValue(:,i)); end % from the rsmdemo TestResult = [6.0358 2.4873 12.0536 6.7753 3.4668 1.8512 7.7262 4.8287 7.3329 3.8373 1.4935 8.3146 8.1546 3.3491 3.3407 4.9223 5.0017 5.0560 5.1173 5.1664 5.2539 4.4553 5.1306 5.5768]'; disp({'Run Number','Hydrogen','n-Pentane','iso Pentane','Reaction Rate'}) disp(sortrows([runorder' RealValue TestResult])) % SKIP the table saving bit % How to optimize? Fit quadratic model mdl = fitlm(RealValue,TestResult,'quadratic') mdl.VariableNames %plotEffects(mdl) %plotInteraction(mdl,'x1','x2') %plotSlice(mdl) P = mdl.Coefficients.Estimate; %f = @(x) -x2fx(x,'quadratic')*P % This will be confusing to all! f = @(x) abs(15-(P(1) + P(2)*x(1)+P(3)*x(2)+P(4)*x(3)+P(5)*x(1)*x(2) + P(6)*x(1)*x(3) + P(7)*x(2)*x(3) + P(8)*x(1)^2 + P(9)*x(2)^2 + P(10)*x(3)^2)); xo = [1.25 27 1.5]; lb = bounds(:,1); ub = bounds(:,2); [xout, feval] = fmincon(f,xo,[],[],[],[],lb,ub) m = 10;